prister blog

Monday, May 21, 2012

SPA Policy Blog Paragraph

One policy i wish i can change is the office referrals to students with out base on legitimante reason or evidence that the student was doing or acting like  __ that he or she was accused of . Because the staff and a few of our teachers act in a biased demeanor and only listen to one side of the story which makes it unfair. because a few of the teachers come to school late on a daily bases for what ever the reason may be and decide to take their anger out on the students .AN IF WE GET PUNISH FOR BEING TARDY SO SHOULD THE TEACHERS !. tardy teachers is hypocritical behavior !, they get on our case about being on time then show up late! and my first period class tolerates this kinda behavior all the time from our teacher. if this policy was changed then i bet more students will recieve an eductaion like they should be doing when they arrive at school instead of being kicked in to the hall or sent to the office all period ..Lets  keep in mind if students cant call teacher out of their name niether should they (HINT HINT MS. PRIESTER)   like spoiled little princess or like this is why nobody likes you! & "you think your going home but your really not (laughter) "this behaviour is insupportable for teachers and adults or

Thursday, May 10, 2012

American Students

I think cells should not be allowed in school because it Contrast from the learning environment also one Critique of using cell phones in class students use them for social purposes .There often a distraction to students . Students  tend to be Persuaded/ tempted by their peer or who ever is texting the to reply back . Then cell phones are needed in a school environment for getting home safely or in case of an emergency .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If i went to prom i 'm pretty sure it would have been a memorable experience . With My couple of friends that i have . Everyone look lovely and i hope they enjoyed their experience at prom . I heard it was drama free witch is always good . The students said the food & the music could have been better so with knowing that the next prom should improve .but other than that i was told it was a very nice setting and it was a wonderful unforgettable night dancing with the fishes